Wednesday, November 10, 2010

the way the cookie crumbles

A morning of baking for Little L and me! Don't worry, there's enough to go around...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

alive and kicking

There's nothing like a succulent to restore my self esteem, allowing my forgetfulness to water it and surviving anyway! Cheers to you, steadfast succulents!

Monday, November 8, 2010

sleep tight

We love it when the fairies come to visit through the night and leave their tiny little treasures on our bedside table! We've always suspected that they live in the flowers and bushes in our garden, often finding fairy dust and charming offerings like these when we wake up of a morning. We've taken to writing them letters and we're sometimes surprised with a note in return.
Pure magic!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

while she slept

An oldie but a goodie - a new top for Little L made out of a pillowcase. Love the colours and the pattern. I found this one in a local op shop for 50c with my name written all over it!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

door stop

To stop the door blowing shut on those beautiful sea-breezy afternoons - 

Friday, November 5, 2010

just the thing i was looking for

My favourite thing of the moment -
my new summery scarf, picked for me by those who know me oh-so-well!
Thank you... x

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

a cup, a book and a teabag

There is a faraway comfort I find in hearing a horse race being called.
It reminds me of my dad... x

And oh, the pain of cutting up a book! Even though it was a book I had never and would never read. It felt so incredibly wrong. But my hesitant fingers finally managed to finish these for our bedroom -

And now I can add a photo of this sweet little teabag that has been waiting in the wings so I didn't ruin the surprise. I made it for a dear friend who lives interstate and posted it off yesterday. I thought that since I couldn't be there to share a cup of tea with her, this was the next best thing.
Sent with love and open arms.

Monday, November 1, 2010

more than words

There are the classics that I keep on my shelf 'just because'.....

And others that I have read a million times over.....